IRT Jules Verne brings its expertise and know-how to the European stage. Since 2015, the IRT Jules Verne has taken an international turn and has set up a strategyin order to bring out European R&D projects in line with its technological roadmap. Focused on the needs of our industrial partners, the IRT Jules Verne’s Europe teams are responsible for setting up and managing ambitious European projects.


IRT Jules Verne activities in Europe

+ de 20 funded european projects 

and nearly €10 million of grant

1 team dedicated to european activities

Success rate

17 %


IRT Jules Verne is involved in European projects as technical leader (task manager, work package manager and/or coordinator), but also contributes its expertise to projects in which it is a partner. Activities include :

  • Project management,
  • Exploitation of project results by engaging its industrial and academic ecosystem,
  • Communication and dissemination of project results (participation in conferences, online publication, event organization, etc.).


The institute also makes available to its projects its 4,000m² of technology workshop and industrial equipment for industrial demonstration of the technologies developed.


Overview of IRT Jules Verne’s European projects by topics and industrial sectors





Europe Team

To meet its ambition, the Jules Verne institute has structured its business accordingly and set up a team dedicated to European projects.

It aims to strengthen IRT Jules Verne’s European collaborations, represent the institute on a European scale, and set up and manage high-quality projects to ensure that the expected results are achieved.


The Europe team works hand-in-hand with its industrial ecosystem of over 100 members to mobilize them on European projects relevant to their research work (aeronautics, naval, energy, automotive, integrators, etc.).





Head of Europe team


Julio-Cesar DE LUCA

European project technical leader



European project expert



European project manager

Head of Europe Team at IRT Jules Verne, Coline has in-depth expertise in setting up and managing European projects. With a degree in European project management, she has acquired solid experience working for various consultancies, institutions and clusters.


Building on his expertise in materials characterization, Julio is now Technical Leader for European projects at IRT Jules Verne. With over 20 years’ experience in technical project management and R&D, especially in automotive engineering and metrology, he is now putting his scientific expertise at the service of IRT Jules Verne’s European projects.


As an expert in European funding for research and innovation, Bianca supports IRT Jules Verne researchers in setting up their R&I projects, from application to grant management, right through to commercialization of results.


Lucie specializes in setting up and managing research and innovation projects.

With a cross-functional vision of R&D and innovation ecosystems, Lucie ensures the smooth implementation of European projects at IRT Jules Verne through high-quality administrative and financial follow-up, as well as support for technical teams.



>>Contact our “Europe” team


European networks

To position itself in the Europe of Research & Innovation, IRT Jules Verne is proactively involved in the preparation of European framework programs (Horizon Europe), is developing its institutional relations and is a member of the 3 European networks of influence that are key to its roadmap:







Head of Europe team