Multi-material assembly
The possible applications of multi-material assemblies for the automotive industry are very important. The weight reduction is one of the main contributors in order to achieve the CO2 emission targets required of all manufacturers in 2020. To lighten vehicles weight of more than 200 kg, a multi-material approach is essential. In addition to the problems associated with the production of composite parts, assembly problems are crucial points with many possible applications in the automotive industry.
LIMECO² project aims to develop, test and validate structural multi-material assemblies. The materials considered are steel or aluminum, combined with thermoplastic polymers highperformance (aerospace) or mass-market (automotive). The polymers are processed by thermoplastic injection or, when they are reinforced with continuous fibers by thermostamping or a combination of these two processes.

Industrial impacts
- Multi-material assembly technologies
- «High throughput» and «high performance» thermoplastic composites
- Design, optimization of the process and assembly simulation
- The project was presented during the visit of SAMPE Europe, on 17 September 2019: read the article (in French only).
- Composite processes
- IRT Jules Verne
- Dedienne
- Faurecia
- Safran